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Drug Addiction Recovery for Young Men in North Carolina

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Drug Addiction Recovery for Young Men in North Carolina

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Today, more and more young people face unique challenges. Fear of failure, peer and family pressure, and the idea they need to become a particular type of successful person can lead many teens to substance abuse. Many teenage boys self-medicate and self-soothe for anxiety, depression, and other undiagnosed mental health disorders. This, paired with daily stress and hormonal shifts, leads many teenage boys to drug or alcohol dependency. Today, centers across the country and right here in North Carolina focus on drug addiction treatment for young males.

If your son is struggling with drug use, the staff at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery can help. Our holistic North Carolina-based clinic supports adolescent boys recovering from addiction and co-occurring disorders. Learn more by calling us at 866.300.5275 to speak with an intake specialist.

Does My Son Need Drug Addiction Treatment?

Teenagers hide almost everything from their families. It’s hard to know when a teen struggles with drug dependency, depression, or other mental health disorders. Teens often hide drug use, depression, and other life problems from parents while trying to gain independence. There are, however, some easy-to-spot signs of drug use. Signs include:

  • Changes in sleep, eating, and hygiene habits
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Sallow, clammy, or dry skin
  • Agitation, hyperactivity, and aggression
  • Money troubles
  • Loss of friends, new social groups, or a change in hobbies
  • Lower grades

When parenting a teenager, it can seem like every day is different. Hormones, social life, and the desire for independence can all impact a teenager’s daily behavior. While daily behavior and hormone levels can shift, the above signs may develop quickly and worsen or at least last the duration of drug use. If your teen exhibits the above signs, it’s time to seek professional support.

Drug Rehab for Teen Boys in North Carolina

Just like young women, adolescents face challenges specific to their gender and age. Societal pressures make adolescence difficult for teenagers. Many lack support structures to help them cope with daily stress, hormonal shifts, and growing up in America. Drug rehab programs for boys help those teens reconnect to themselves, align their priorities, and disconnect from social pressures. With support from doctors, therapists, and other men, clients in these programs develop community, resilience, and self-confidence.

Many programs in North Carolina take advantage of our majestic wilderness. Outdoor, animal, and wilderness therapies are especially effective holistic therapies to help boys heal from addiction. By connecting to nature, animals, and their own bodies, teens develop self-worth alongside tools for stress management. North Carolina offers a slower pace of living and access to nature, making it the perfect place to disconnect, detox, and recover.

Many programs also provide dual diagnosis treatment. Therapists determine if clients are struggling with co-occurring disorders affecting their addiction. Today, 50% of people living with addiction have co-occurring disorders like anxiety and depression. Dual diagnosis care can provide proper treatment for mental health disorders, ease addiction triggers, and give clients the tools they need to recover.

Begin Drug Rehab at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery Today

If you suspect your son is using drugs, or you need more information on the benefits of rehab for young men, call Foothills today. Our family-friendly clinics provide clients with a safe place to recover in the beautiful wilderness of North Carolina. With a focus on equine and large animal therapy, clients use tools they learn in individual therapy outdoors. We also value group and family therapy as integral tools for overall healing. To hear more about what Foothills can do for your son, call us at 866.300.5275 to learn more about our drug treatment programs.