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Signs of Anxiety In Teens

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Signs of Anxiety In Teens

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Many teens say they are anxious. Many teens are growing up in a world that is full of uncertainties and confusion. How do you know when you need to get treatment for anxiety? It’s not always easy to spot teen anxiety symptoms and recognize them for what they are: a mental health disorder that requires treatment. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we recommend coming in for treatment as soon as possible to avoid the onset of complications. Our teen anxiety treatments are designed specifically for those 14 and up. Call our team today at 866.300.5275 for more information about our treatment options.

What Are Common Signs of Teen Anxiety That Require Treatment?

Recognizing teen anxiety symptoms is the first step parents can take to find help for their child. The key is to look for changes in their behavior, especially when anxious feelings seem to be worsening. Some of the most common signs of teen anxiety that needs treatment include:

  • Anxiety can limit their willingness or ability to engage in activities they like or have enjoyed before
  • Engaging in reckless behavior such as drug use, alcohol consumption, driving under the influence, or unprotected sex
  • Physical signs of panic such as rapid heart rate, dizziness, trouble breathing, or chest pain
  • Feeling as if they are going to die or communicating a fear of dying
  • Excessive worry that is unrealistic and often unfounded, but being unable to use reason to avoid improvement

With all teen anxiety symptoms, look for signs of it worsening. For example, at first, a teen may only be worried about being in new social situations. Over time, they may start pulling away from activities they used to love to do. Often, this is accompanied by many excuses as to why they should not engage in those activities.

In addition to this, seek help for teen anxiety when it is being coupled with drug or alcohol use. This can rapidly lead to abuse, causing dependence and health complications.

What Can Teen Anxiety Treatments Do?

The core goal of teen anxiety treatment is to provide realistic views and to reduce the risk of unrealistic and harmful thought patterns. The benefit of teen anxiety treatments is to empower teens to make better decisions because they have better control over their thoughts and worries. Forcing a teen to do something they are not interested in isn’t enough. They need to learn to control stress, feelings of anxiety, and even instances of depression in an effective manner.

Finding Help for Teen Anxiety with Us

The most crucial decision for parents is to seek out teen anxiety help as soon as possible before it leads to some behavior or outcome that is harmful. The good news is that many strategies can help a teen overcome the challenges they are facing now. Once they get that help, they can get back to enjoying life, creating a future, and success at school. They can maintain better relationships and feel more accomplished in themselves. They also regain confidence that can define their mental health for years to come.

We can help with therapies such as:

Seek Support at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery Today

Teen anxiety can take away the fun and excitement of being a teen. That does not have to happen to your teen when you seek help for teen anxiety through a program like what we offer at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. When you notice teen anxiety symptoms, especially those that seem to be out of control or worsening, you can give us a call. Our therapists are compassionate and understanding. They offer the most advanced teen anxiety treatments available. Call 866.300.5275or connect online to find out how we can help.