Teen learning about teen substance abuse at school

What to Do When Your Son’s School Is Where They Get Their Drugs?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: December 7, 2022Updated: November 28, 2022Learning your teen was caught with drugs at school is upsetting, to say the least. Learning they purchased those drugs at school is even worse. Teen drug therapy services can help your child live a healthy, drug-free…

Teen dealing with effects of marijuana

The Effects of Marijuana on the Teenage Brain

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: December 5, 2022Updated: November 29, 2022Marijuana is common among teens. In fact, millions of adolescents used marijuana for the first time in the past year. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug among teens, and while its often thought of as…

Virginia Beach, where some consider getting away for rehab

Getting Away from Virginia Beach for Rehab

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamAuthored BySharon FindlaySharon Findlay read morePublished: December 3, 2022Updated: December 28, 2022Are there reputable teen drug abuse treatment programs at Virginia Beach rehab facilities? Of course, there are options for teen clients in Virginia. However, the location may be the least of a…

teen boy in addiction counseling for teens

Attending Adolescent Therapy Near Charleston

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: November 28, 2022Updated: October 28, 2022Adolescent therapy in Charleston is crucial for helping a young person work through mental and behavioral health concerns. Issues like addiction, depression, anxiety, and other challenges are commonly faced by teens. Addiction therapy programs have the power…

Teen seeking alcohol rehab near Raleigh, NC

Finding Alcohol Rehab Near Raleigh, NC

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: November 23, 2022Updated: October 28, 2022Raleigh offers several options for treating alcohol use disorder for teens, which means it can be a challenge to figure out which rehab offers the program most likely to help your teenager. Looking for programs created for…

Teen struggling with substance abuse and relationships

How Substance Abuse Impacts Relationships

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: November 21, 2022Updated: October 28, 2022Substance use has a direct, profound impact on a person’s relationships at any age. When teenage relationships are impacted by substance use, group therapy programs can help a teen make better choices and build healthier relationships.Foothills at…

Teen with marijuana habit who is finding it hard to focus on schoolwork

Marijuana and School Performance

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: November 17, 2022Updated: October 28, 2022Marijuana use directly impacts a teen’s academic performance, although they’ll likely deny that’s the case. Therapy programs for teens help teenagers see the negative impact marijuana is having and provide the support needed to stop marijuana use.Foothills…

Teens feeling side effects of teen vaping

Side Effects of Teen Vaping

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: October 12, 2022Updated: October 31, 2022Vaping is increasingly popular, especially among teens. The smoking alternative may seem less harmful than cigarettes and second-hand smoke. However, for both teenagers and adults, vaping can have adverse side effects. Today’s ads encourage teens to vape…

Teen boy who attended alcohol rehab near Raleigh

Help For Teen Alcohol Addiction in North Carolina

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: October 5, 2022Updated: October 31, 2022Teen alcohol addiction occurs when a teenager is compulsively using alcohol even though they realize there are risks to doing so. Teens can develop an addiction and dependence on alcohol, just as adults can. If you suspect…

Mother and son after staging teen intervention

How to Stage an Intervention for Teens

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: October 1, 2022Updated: October 31, 2022Teen substance use is one of the most distressing things that a family can go through. It’s very difficult to watch your loved one struggle. Fortunately, holding an intervention can show teenagers how much their families love…