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Alternatives to Drug Rehab Centers in Virginia

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Alternatives to Drug Rehab Centers in Virginia

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Getting admitted into a teen rehab center near North Carolina might be what you or someone you care about needs to start their recovery journey. Some people may find that an addiction treatment center that meets all their needs may not be available in their home state. That’s why some people looking for drug rehab centers in Virginia also look for options in nearby states like North Carolina or Maryland. In some cases, an out-of-state treatment center can provide you with a different experience and perspective than those closer to home.

Going out of state will distance recovering clients from negative influences and give clients the chance to focus solely on recovery. Are you searching for a reputable drug rehab center in North Carolina? Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery by calling 866.300.5275 or reaching out to our team online.

Are There Many Drug Rehab Centers in Virginia?

There are many addiction treatment centers in Virginia. The state has some of the nation’s highest rates of drug-related tragedies. In 2020, an average of four Virginians died of opioid overdoses on a daily basis.1 The rapid increase of prescription medication abuse in the state has led to more methadone clinics in Virginia.

Substance use disorders frequently treated in Virginia rehab facilities work with several types of substances, including cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. However, Virginia also has some stringent legal penalties for possessing, manufacturing and distributing illicit substances. For example, first-time drug offenders must participate in a treatment program. These programs offer substance abuse therapies, assist with relapse prevention, and also periodically test for drugs.

Choosing a treatment center to get admitted into is a huge decision. When reviewing options for yourself or someone you care about, think about what amenities, therapies, and ongoing support groups are most important. Whether a facility is within the state or out of state, keep an open mind while weighing the pros and cons of each.

Outside of Addiction Treatment Centers in Virginia, Where Can Clients Seek Help?

Like many states across the nation, there are thousands of people in North Carolina who are struggling with addiction. Substance use is a problem here, just like in Virginia. If you live in Virginia, extending your search for a drug rehab center to North Carolina may be helpful.

Both states have residents at higher risk of developing addictions. However, not everyone will live near an addiction treatment facility due to the rural areas that are common in both states. Both Virginia and North Carolina treatment centers will provide clients with treatments to help deal with the consequences of addiction, along with therapies that address its root causes.

What Are the Benefits of Residential Treatment Programs?

If you or someone you care about is going through issues such as addiction, trauma responses, or a mental health condition, you might have the option of a residential treatment program. Many families won’t consider sending their teens away to an inpatient facility, but sometimes a client will benefit greatly from this form of care. There is a range of benefits of sending someone you care about to an addiction treatment facility out of state.

Takes Clients Away from Their Triggers

Many clients feel stuck in their current location and condition. The proximity of being close to where they engaged in dangerous behaviors can make early sobriety difficult. And sometimes, it’s better to recover without everyone else in a client’s life knowing about the reality of the situation. When other people know about ongoing treatment, it can put pressure on the client.

Gives Clients a New Set of Peers

Going into residential treatment takes clients away from negative relationships and gives them a new group of peers. Part of the benefit is the understanding that these peers can offer, while another part is that they can turn over a new leaf with people who don’t know their past.

Providing Intensive Support

Residential treatment offers more hours per day and more hours per week of support than any other type of addiction treatment. It is difficult to try to recreate that amount of therapy in an outpatient setting.

Keeping Up with Schoolwork

Many teens going through various mental health issues and substance addictions find that their grades get worse. Many will fail their classes and might need to make up credits. However, you can find residential facilities for teens that offer tutoring and teaching services. These programs will help them keep up with their classmates.

More Effective Treatment

We recognize that this is a difficult phase of a client’s life. Nonetheless, the lessons learned in residential treatment will go on to positively impact family relationships for decades to come.

Remember, the decision to choose inpatient or outpatient treatment for a loved one – especially your teenager – is between you, them, and their healthcare professionals. Ask whatever questions you need to to feel comfortable that you are making the best decisions possible.

Seek Treatment for Your Teen at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

If your teen is suffering from addiction and mental health issues, it’s essential to find them the proper support. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we offer a range of treatment options, including:

  • Alcohol addiction treatment
  • Heroin addiction treatment
  • Cocaine addiction treatment
  • Opioid addiction treatment
  • Prescription drug addiction treatment

To learn about our drug rehab in Virginia, contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery at 866.300.5275.

  1. Virginia Department of Health – Opioid Data