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3 Dangers of Alcohol Poisoning on a Teen’s Body

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

3 Dangers of Alcohol Poisoning on a Teen’s Body

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Alcohol poisoning is a severe and sometimes life-threatening consequence of drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period. Teens may be prone to binge drinking, making them prone to this danger. Alcohol poisoning can affect breathing, heart rate, body temperature, and the body’s gag reflex. In addition, drinking too much too quickly or consistently to satisfy an addiction can harm a teen’s health. They may even develop an alcohol addiction, leading to the need for alcohol rehab for teens. If you’re looking for alcohol rehab options for boy teens in North Carolina, please get in touch with Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today by calling 866.300.5275 or reaching out to our team online.

What Are Some Common Signs that a Teen Is Abusing Alcohol?

The signs of alcohol abuse in teens will vary based on genetic makeup, other drugs consumed, amount of alcohol consumed, and the frequency of alcohol consumption. However, here are some common behavioral signs to watch out for:

  • Alcohol consumption despite consequences
  • Changing groups of friends
  • Changes to sleep habits, appetite, personal hygiene, and attention to physical appearance
  • Depression, anxiety, and mood swings
  • Drastic changes in academic performance
  • Increased financial and legal problems
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities

You can also check your teen’s physical condition. Look for flushed skin, bloodshot eyes, and the smell of alcohol in their breath or clothes.

What Are the Dangers of Teen Alcohol Poisoning?

If you’re worried that your teen is abusing alcohol, you must be aware of the dangers of teen alcohol poisoning.

1. Severe Physical Symptoms

Don’t be afraid to get help if you think your teen suffers from alcohol poisoning. It can be challenging to determine if someone is drunk enough to warrant medical intervention, but it’s best to assume the worst. The consequences of not getting medical help in time can be much more severe. Alcohol poisoning can cause:

  • Severe dehydration: This can lead to very low blood pressure and a fast heart rate.
  • Seizures: Blood sugar levels may drop low enough to cause seizures.
  • Hypothermia: Body temperature may drop so low that it leads to cardiac arrest.
  • Irregular heartbeat: The heart can beat irregularly or even stop.

2. Loss of Consciousness

Even though the situation involves poisoning, don’t try to make your teen vomit because they may choke. But if they feel like vomiting, you should help your teen when they do so. Try to keep them sitting up.

If they must lie down, make sure to turn their head to the side. Try to keep your teen awake to prevent loss of consciousness. If they do fall unconscious, don’t leave them alone. Because alcohol poisoning affects the way the body’s gag reflex works, someone with alcohol poisoning may choke on their vomit and not be able to breathe, and the loss of air could be fatal.

3. Brain Damage or Death

If your teen is experiencing the following symptoms along with the signs listed above, they probably need medical help to treat alcohol poisoning:

  • Blue-tinged or pale skin
  • Confusion
  • Slow or irregular breathing

Don’t wait until your teen is experiencing cardiac arrest, hypothermia, severe dehydration, seizures, or a stopped heart before seeking medical help. When a person with alcohol poisoning passes out and can’t easily be awakened, they’re at a higher risk of dying or suffering extreme brain damage.

What Should Clients Expect From Alcohol Rehab for Teens?

Talking about the dangers of teen alcohol poisoning could be enough for your teen to cut down or quit their alcohol consumption. Sometimes, a teen will need to be assessed, diagnosed, and admitted into alcohol rehab.

Parents and guardians of teens that need professional help to break free from addiction must find rehab centers that offer gender-specific and age-specific treatment programs. Most teen alcohol rehab programs include the following:

  • Psychological testing
  • Medical detoxification
  • Continued education
  • Individual therapy
  • Family counseling
  • Group therapy

Some programs also use alternative forms of care, such as equine-assisted therapy or adventure therapy.

Seek Support at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery.

If you’re looking for alcohol rehab options for male teens in North Carolina, contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Call 866.300.5275 or reach out to our team online.